Dr. Loftus is Board Certified in both Headache Medicine as well as Neurology and is in private practice in Bellaire, Texas, a small town located within the city of Houston. He has developed areas of special interest within neurology and currently only accepts new patients for Headaches, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Neuropathic Pain and hyperhidrosis. Bellaire Neurology is the only Houston area headache specialist's office that offers in office headache treatments and in-office headache infusions to increase patient convenience and decrease cost of therapy. Dr. Loftus is the only doctor Board Certified in Headache Medicine in Bellaire Texas.
For those that do not live in the Houston area, Dr. Loftus offers virtual visits to new patients with a history of headaches for at least one year or, for those with less than a one year history, have a seen a physician and have had secondary headahes ruled out. All virtual visit patients must first fill out new patient forms that Dr. Loftus will review prior to scheduling. Even for those patients who do not have headache, the vast majority of patients can still have virtual visits for the majority of their visits.
A few words from Dr. Loftus on his practice philosophy…
My practice centers on teamwork, education and communication. The physician and patient must work together as a team to develop a treatment plan. Communication between the patient and physician is critical. I also believe that an informed patient can assist better in his or her own medical care, which results in a better outcome for the patient. The purpose of this web site is to increase my patient's understanding of their medical condition. I pride myself on having a different kind of medical practice than many physicians. I give personalized care and attention to my patients.
To better care for my patients, I began to utilize electronic medical records more than 15 years ago. This means you can directly send a message to me via the portal 24/7. Virtually all portal messages are answered within 24 hours and during business days, the portal messages are being checked whenever there is free time. For appropriate patients, I offer follow up telephone visits. My office sends email and cell phone text message appointment reminders, my office will follow-up with patients just to see how they are doing, and at least every six months my office surveys our patients so they can give us valuable feedback.
To further improve communication with headache patients, we have developed the iHeadache App. This electronic diary systems greatly improve communication between patient and physician. These products are unique in that it gathers information from patient users and then prepares reports with their physician in mind to improve their care.
What do current patients think of Bellaire Neurology?
These are their cumulative responses to date:
- 98% of patients rated their overall visit as “Excellent” or “Very Good”
- 98% of patients responded that our team greeted them promptly.
- When asked if they had to wait beyond their appointment time to be seen, 83% said no and an additional 15% stated 15-30 minutes.
- 97% of patients would refer their family and friends to Bellaire Neurology.
- 93% of patients stated that they had a good understanding of their medical condition after their visit.